Meomyia sp.
Chironomidae (family)
Geranomyia sp. (genus)
Melangyna viridiceps
Leptotarsus (Leptotarsus) sp.(genus)
Dichetophora sp. (genus)
Muscidae (family)
Aleucosia sp. (genus)
Ectinorhynchus sp. (genus)
Tipulidae or Limoniidae (family)
Dolichopodidae (family)
Sphaerophoria macrogaster
Melangyna sp. (genus)
Therevidae (family)
Calliphora sp. (genus)
Eristalinus punctulatus
Sepsidae (family)
Rivellia sp. (genus)
Syrphini (tribe)
Lauxaniidae (family)
Mycetophilidae (family)
Spathulina acroleuca
Calliphoridae (family)
Empidoidea (superfamily)
Psychodidae sp. (family)
Unidentified True fly (Diptera)
Tephritidae sp. (family)
Neodialineura striatithorax
Helina sp. (genus)
Unidentified Other true fly
Aedes sp. (genus)
Apiocera sp. (genus)
Simosyrphus grandicornis
Microtropesa sp. (genus)
Sciaridae sp. (family)
Sapromyza sp. (genus)
Empididae (family)
Cerdistus sp. (genus)
Drosophilidae (family)
Chaetophthalmus sp. (genus)
Syrphidae (family)
Poecilohetaerus aquilus
Bibionomorpha (infraorder)
Sylvicola dubius
Parapalaeosepsis plebeia
Nematocera sp. (suborder)
Cecidomyiidae (family)
1 « 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 » 105
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