Unidentified Fungus
Unidentified Cap on a stem; gills below cap [mushrooms or mushroom-like]
Psilocybe sp.
Pluteus cervinus
Hypholoma sp.
Cortinarius sp.
Mycena sp. (genus)
Clitocybe s. l.
Oudemansiella 'radicata group'
Gymnopilus sp.
Unidentified Shelf-like to hoof-like & usually on wood
Marasmius oreades
Mycena sp. ‘grey or grey-brown caps’
Unidentified Club or stalk (maybe a forked or broader apex)
Unidentified Disk-like to cup-like
zz agaric (stem; gills white/cream)
Agaricus sp.
Unidentified Other fungi on wood
Unidentified Clubs/stalks on wood or on leaf/twig litter
Coniophora sp.
Singerocybe clitocyboides
Unidentified Not moulds
Puccinia malvacearum
Unidentified Other fungus
Collybia s.l.
Postia pelliculosa
Phylloporus sp.
Amanita sp.
Laccocephalum sclerotinium
Deconica horizontalis
Laetiporus portentosus
Laccaria sp.
zz agaric (stem; gills not white/cream)
Peniophora sp.
Hypholoma fasciculare
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