Family Araneidae.
Taxonomic update June 2022. From Cyclosa fuliginata to Salsa fuliginata.
This common orb-weaving species, transferred to Cyclosa by Dondale in 1966, is not really a Cyclosa. It belongs to a new genus Salsa to which the WA spider Araneus recherchensis also belongs.The group is characterised by a single posterior abdominal tubercle and two longitudinal bands on the underneath. The group is related to Acroaspis and the pustulosa group. This spider is common throughout Australia and occurs in all mainland states and Tasmania. The male body length usually between 3.5 and 5mm, carapace brownish with thick coat of shiny hairs. Eyes circled by black rings. Legs with large spiny hairs, especially on the tibiae. Female body length 7-9mm. Epigynum with short, tapered scape arising from almost flat plate with paired openings. New hatchlings have a black and brownish yellow carapace, pale legs, smooth abdomen with nearly black median pattern resembling that of the adults. The dark area underneath is flanked by pair of distinct white spots. Immature males have slightly swollen palpi. This spider was first described as Epeira f. By Koch in 1872 and then changed to Araneus by Simon in 1895. Dondale reported it as very commonly captured in Australian Capital Territory orchard collections. Fuliginous means dark. (From
According to Whyte & Anderson ('A field guide to the spiders of Australia', CSIRO Publishing 2017), this species does not really belong in the genus Cyclosa.
Salsa fuliginata is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Greater Sydney | Barwon South West | Tasmania
Cyclosa fuliginata (Sooty Orb-weaver)Maps
Albury ANBG Aranda Bushland Belvoir Park Black Mountain Blue Gum Point to Attunga Bay Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Boro Bruce Ridge Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Bungonia Crown Reserve Bungonia National Park Burwood Creek Nature Reserve Caladenia Forest, O'Connor Callum Brae City Renewal Authority Area Commonwealth & Kings Parks Dawson Street Gardens Dryandra St Woodland Dunlop Grasslands Farrer Ridge Fowles St. Woodland, Weston Gibraltar Pines Gidleigh TSR Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Glebe Park Goorooyarroo NR (ACT) Gossan Hill Goulburn Mulwaree Council Gungaderra Grasslands Hassett Park, Campbell Higgins Woodland Holtze Close Neighbourhood Park Isabella Pond Jerrabomberra Wetlands Katarina's garden Katoomba Park, Campbell Kosciuszko National Park Kuringa Woodlands Lake Burley Griffin Central/East Lake Burley Griffin West Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. Mcleods Creek Res (Gundaroo) McQuoids Hill Monga National Park Mongarlowe River Monteagle Cemetery Mount Ainslie Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Mount Pleasant Mulligans Flat Namadgi National Park Percival Hill Piney Ridge Pomaderris Nature Reserve Red Hill Nature Reserve Rugosa Sth Tablelands Ecosystem Park Sullivans Creek, Turner Tallaganda National Park The Pinnacle Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Top Hut TSR Wanniassa Hill Watson Green Space Wodonga Wonga Wetlands WREN ReservesPlaces
Acton, ACT Barton, ACT Borough, NSW Bungonia, NSW Campbell, ACT Captains Flat, NSW Cook, ACT Curtin, ACT Denman Prospect, ACT Gundaroo, NSW Hawker, ACT Higgins, ACT Monash, ACT Monga, NSW Mongarlowe, NSW O'Connor, ACT O'Malley, ACT Palerang, NSW Russell, ACT Tharwa, ACT