Dacryopinax spathularia
Lycoperdon sp.
Lycoperdon pratense
Agarics gilled fungi
Amanita sp.
Rhodofomitopsis lilacinogilva complex
Schizophyllum commune
Uromycladium sp.
Lentinus fasciatus
Trametes coccinea
Trametes sp.
Campanella etc
Unidentified Underside smooth or wrinkled/roughened <Stereum etc>
Ganoderma sp.
Microporus xanthopus
Truncospora ochroleuca
Mycena sp.
Unidentified Cap on a stem; gills below cap [mushrooms or mushroom-like]
Ramaria sp. (genus)
Hypholoma sp.
Clavulina sp.
Phaeohelotium (Discinella terrestris aggregate)
Scleroderma sp.
Unidentified Cap, gills below, no stem & usually on wood [stemless mushrooms & the like]
Unidentified Fungus
Tubaria rufofulva
Laccaria sp.
Cortinarius sinapicolor
Podoscypha petalodes
Amanita phalloides
Armillaria sp.
Unidentified Other fungi on wood
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta
Macrolepiota clelandii
Psilocybe subaeruginosa
Gymnopilus junonius
Oudemansiella gigaspora group
Amanita muscaria
zz agaric (stem; gills not white/cream)
Bolete sp.
Leucoagaricus sp.
Laetiporus portentosus
Phylloporus sp.
Macrolepiota dolichaula
Boletellus sp.
Boletus barragensis
Amanita flavella
Lentinus arcularius
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