Gelechioidea (superfamily)
Gelechiidae (family)
Ardozyga thermochroa
Batrachedra (genus)
Scieropepla polyxesta
Pycnobathra niphodes
Stathmopodidae (family)
Stathmopoda cyanopla
Ardozyga deltodes
Leptozestis crassipalpis
Leptozestis ecstatica
Leptozestis and Trachydora (genera)
Dichomeris holomela
Ardozyga gypsocrana
Limnaecia polycydista
Iulactis semifusca
Trachydora (genus)
Thiotricha anticentra
Stathmopoda (genus)
Elachista (genus)
Macrobathra chrysotoxa
Lichenaula (genus)
Macrobathra (genus)
Limnaecia (genus)
Phylomictis maligna
Ardozyga scytina
Gisilia thoracista
Labdia oxysema
Lecithocera (genus)
Xylorycta assimilis
Agriophara (genus)
Limnaecia leptomeris
Leptozestis harmosta
Cryptophasa (genus)
Anarsia molybdota
Limnaecia cirrhozona
Blastobasis tarda
Anarsia dryinopa
Aproaerema simplexella and isoscelixantha
Ethmia eupostica
Leistarcha scitissimella
Macrenches clerica
Xylorycta (genus)
Ardozyga amblopis
Pedois lewinella
Thudaca obliquella
Stathmopoda melanochra
Trachydora pygaea
Phthorimaea operculella
Stathmopoda hyposcia
Stagmatophora argyrostrepta
Leptozestis sp nr harmosta
Leistarcha undescribed species
Lichenaula sp nr onychotypa
Ardozyga mesochra and similar species
Eutorna (genus)
Trachydora centromela
Ardozyga (genus)
Cosmopterigidae (family)
Decatopseustis cataphanes
Stathmopoda crocophanes
Ardozyga voluta
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