There are 64 genera and 364 species of Coccinellidae described from Australia (Australian Faunal Directory, 2025)
A guide to the beetles of Australia by G. Hangay & P. Zborowski (CSIRO Publishing, 2010) lists the family's characteristics:
Adults and larvae of most species are predators of aphids, mealybugs, scales or other small insects and mites. Exceptions are Epilachna species, which are herbivorous on Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae, and Illeis galbula which feeds on powdery mildews (Australian beetles, Vol. 1, eds. J.F. Lawrence & A. Slipinski, CSIRO Publishing, 2013)
Coccinella transversalis at Acton, ACT
Micraspis frenata at Lerida, NSW
Rodatus boucardi at Aranda, ACT
Rodatus boucardi at Aranda, ACT
Epilachna sumbana at O'Connor, ACT
Epilachna vigintioctopunctata at O'Connor, ACT