Tanyzancla argutella
Philobota lysizona
Philobota ancylotoxa
Chezala privatella
Ocystola paulinella
Philobota mathematica group undescribed species.
Oecophoridae provisional group 5
Tachystola thiasotis
Euchaetis habrocosma
Tisobarica pyrrhella
Endrosis sarcitrella
Eulechria convictella
Hoplostega ochroma
Oecophoridae (family)
Leptocroca sanguinolenta
Philobota brachypterous female species
Philobota diaereta
Philobota group
Philobota pilipes
Haplodyta polybotrya
Phryganeutis cinerea
Tachystola hemisema
Oenochroa and Artiastis (genera)
Heliocausta undescribed species
Tachystola acroxantha
Oxythecta (genus)
Compsotropha strophiella
Olbonoma triptycha
Garrha (genus)
Philobota philostaura
Garrha pudica
Garrha repandula
Epithymema incomposita
Garrha leucerythra
Garrha rubella
Stictochila sarcoptera
Tachystola stenoptera
Heteroteucha occidua
Garrha carnea
Corynotricha antipodella
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