This is a polypore. The fruit bodies are short outgrowths from dead wood, with distinct upper and lower surfaces. From the broad attachment at the wood surface, the fruit body narrows outward so generating a triangular cross section. It is often no more than 2 centimetres thick at the wood surface and may grow out to about 3 centimetres. Viewed from above it is roughly semicircular. The upper surface is brown (red brown to blackish brown), often with different shades of brown in concentric bands. There may also be concentric furrows. The upper surface may be markedly bristly, but may become smooth with age. The underside has pores that are easy to see with the naked eye. In fresh specimens the pore surface is pale greyish top grey-violet, but with age becomes dark. It is reported most often on Casuarina wood .
Phaeotrametes decipiens is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast