Sporangia:- scattered to gregarious up to 1.5 mm. tall, obovoid or reniform, compressed, splitting at the ridge, stalked, erect, or sessile and subglobose, sometimes confluent in clusters or forming plasmodiocarps, white or gray, rugose or spotted with white; sporangial wall membranous, colourless or purplish below, with clusters of white lime-granules on the outside.
Stalk:- when present, stout, long or short, furrowed, black from refuse matter, brownish, or white from included lime.
Capillitium:-a close network with numerous small, usually rounded, white lime nodes, connected by short hyaline threads.
Spores:- dark purplish brown, more or less faintly or strongly spinulose
Physarum compressum is listed in the following regions: