Fruit-body: medium, simple club, yellow with an elongated and thin
structure; club is distinct from stem.
▪ Size to 70 mm tall x 4 mm thick.
▪ Club expanded slightly, laterally compressed, bright yellow-gold to light
orange-yellow, distinct from stem.
▪ Club tip rounded, may be slightly paler than the club.
▪ Stem yellow to ochraceous-yellow; expanding slightly to a white base; base with a thin covering of appressed white mycelium.
▪ Spore print white.
Note – its size, club shape and stem base distinguishes it from Clavulinopsis amoena (white mycelial pad), C. depokensis (very flattened curved branches, tips sharply pointed, brown, white mycelial pad) and C. fusiformis (clubs emerge in tight clusters).
Habit: gregarius to subcaespitose in small groups (up to 4 indivials).
Habitat: on ground in native forests.
(ref:- FNCV)
No sightings currently exist.