Shrub or tree.
Rhodamnia rubescens is listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ in Australia under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
SPRAT profile:
Rhodamnia rubescens is listed in the following regions:
South Coast | New South Wales North Coast
Bangalee Walking Track Barrengarry Nature Reserve Bimberamala National Park Booderee National Park Boyne State Forest Budawang National Park Budderoo National Park Bugong National Park Bundanon Trust CA0165 Cambewarra Range Nature Reserve Conjola National Park Cullendulla Creek Nature Reserve Currowan State Forest Dooragan National Park Jerrawangala National Park Macquarie Pass Manyana Inyadda Drive development area McDonald State Forest Meroo National Park Morton National Park Murramarang National Park North Brooman State Forest Parma Creek Nature Reserve Royal National Park South Brooman State Forest VC00165 VC00449 WL00034 Yadboro State Forest Yerriyong State ForestPlaces
Brogers Creek, NSW Lorne, NSW Lower Pappinbarra, NSW Macquarie Pass, NSW Myrtle Creek, NSW Pappinbarra, NSW Raleigh, NSW Upper Kangaroo River, NSW