Family Scoliidae.
Scolia (Discolia) verticalis is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Greater Sydney
ANBG Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Bullen Range Cotter Reserve Dryandra St Woodland Jack Perry Reserve Lower Cotter Catchment McQuoids Hill Mount Ainslie Mount Painter Namadgi National Park Pine Island to Point Hut Piney Ridge Point Hut Pond Red Hill Nature Reserve Rob Roy Range Rugosa Sth Tablelands Ecosystem Park The Pinnacle Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tinderry Nature Reserve West Belconnen Pond Wodonga Woodstock Nature ReservePlaces
Acton, ACT Bombay, NSW Deakin, ACT Hackett, ACT Hall, ACT Mount Kembla, NSW Tinderry, NSW