Further information on separating U. pulchelloides from U. lotrix: https://ausemade.com.au/flora-fauna/fauna/insects/moths/rattlepod-moth-utetheisa/
Utetheisa pulchelloides is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Central West NSW | Hume | Barwon South West | Greater Brisbane | Outback South Australia
ANBG Aranda Bushland Bango Nature Reserve Barunguba (Montague) Island Ben Boyd National Park Bermagui State Forest Black Mountain Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Boro Bournda Environment Education Centre Bournda National Park Braemar Broulee Moruya Nature Observation Area Bullen Range Bundanoon Callum Brae Cooleman Ridge Cotter Reserve Crace Grasslands Dawson Street Gardens Denman Prospect 2 Estate Deferred Area (Block 12) Dryandra St Woodland Dunlop Grasslands Fadden Hills Pond Gigerline Nature Reserve Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Googong Foreshore Goorooyarroo NR (ACT) Goulburn Mulwaree Council Griffith Woodland Gundary TSR Gunning Bush Block Hall Horse Paddocks Hughes Grassy Woodland Illilanga & Baroona Jarramlee-West MacGregor Grasslands Kama Kioloa Bushcare Group Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. Lower Molonglo Mcleods Creek Res (Gundaroo) McQuoids Hill Molonglo River Reserve Mongarlowe River Morton National Park Mount Ainslie Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Mount Taylor Mulligans Flat Namadgi National Park OHara Headland Walking Track Penrose Piney Ridge Point Hut to Tharwa Red Hill Nature Reserve Red Hill to Yarralumla Creek Rob Roy Range Rugosa Sanctuary Point - Basin Walking Track Bushcare Stony Creek Tallaganda State Forest The Pinnacle Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tuggeranong Hill Umbagong District Park Urambi Hills Wallagoot LALC Wanniassa Hill Warby-Ovens National Park Watson Woodlands WendyM's farm at Freshwater Ck. West Stromlo Wingecarribee Local Government Area Wodonga Woodstock Nature Reserve WREN ReservesPlaces
Borough, NSW Bundanoon, NSW Conder, ACT Dunlop, ACT Freshwater Creek, VIC Gundaroo, NSW Gundary, NSW Gunning, NSW Hall, ACT Latham, ACT Moruya, NSW Mount Bruno, VIC Rosedale, NSW