Family Trigonidiidae. Su and Rentz 2000 (J. Orthoptera Res. 9: 5-20) give the following diagnostic criteria for this genus: occiput of head with 3 central dark bands; maxillary palps usually coloured white or black; sides of body usually black; top of body pale brown or reddish-brown, or black centrally and pale laterally; both sexes winged as adults; forewings usually with several dark pigment spots and lateral field usually very dark or black; hindwings vary from being absent to being longer than forewings; leg I and II blackish, but sometimes with larger pale spots on outer and upper faces; femur III either black or with closely spaced oblique black stripes on outer face; inner face of hind femur with a clear dark band centrally; tibia III with 3 inner and 3 outer supapical spurs; top of abdomen black; female ovipositor usually about 3-4 times as long as pronotum. Bobilla neobivittata and Bobilla gullanae are very similar morphologically and both species have been reported from southern NSW/eastern Gippsland.
Bobilla sp. (genus) is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Greater Sydney
Alison Hone Reserve ANBG Aranda Bushland Bargo River State Conservation Area Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Budjan Galindji (Franklin Grassland) Reserve Bundanoon Cambewarra Range Nature Reserve City Renewal Authority Area Coombs Ponds Crace Grasslands Cuumbeun Nature Reserve Dananbilla Nature Reserve Dickson Wetland Dickson Wetland Corridor Emu Creek Flea Bog Flat to Emu Creek Corridor Flea Bog Flat, Bruce Gibraltar Pines Glenbog State Forest Googong Foreshore Goulburn Mulwaree Council Gundary TSR Gungaderra Grasslands Hall Cemetery Harcourt Hill Hill Top Jerrabomberra Wetlands Kosciuszko National Park Lane Cove National Park Meringo Nature Reserve Mongarlowe River Morton National Park Namadgi National Park Nunnock Grassland Walking Track Piney Ridge South East Forest National Park Sullivans Creek, Lyneham South Tallaganda State Forest Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Top Hut TSR Wingecarribee Local Government AreaPlaces
Braddon, ACT Bungendore, NSW Bungonia, NSW Carwoola, NSW Coombs, ACT Fraser, ACT Jaspers Brush, NSW Kingsdale, NSW Lyneham, ACT North Ryde, NSW Rossi, NSW Taylors Flat, NSW Tianjara, NSW Wamboin, NSW