Further reference:
Callitriche stagnalis is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Riverina Murray | New South Wales North Coast
Albury Aranda Bushland Black Mountain Brindabella National Park Brundee Swamp Nature Reserve Gulaga National Park Kangaroo Valley LB Block Lower Cotter Catchment Monga National Park Mongarlowe River Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain Namadgi National Park Tallaganda State Forest Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Top Hut TSR Uriarra Recreation Reserve WL00036 Wodonga Wodonga Regional Park Woodstock Nature Reserve WREN ReservesPlaces
Braidwood, NSW Cavan, NSW Harolds Cross, NSW Jembaicumbene, NSW