Pileus 2.5––8 .5 cm broad, convex to planoconvex to plane, viscid when wet, soon dry, matted, subtomentose, red, fading to near greyish red, somewhat blotchy with age; Flesh pale yellow when young, white with age, not blueing, or very rarely with a hint of pale blue, with. Tubes 10–13 mm deep, adnexed to depressed around the stipe, pale yellow to yellow becoming greenish yellow, or dull yellowish green to olive, not blueing, or only slightly with injury; pores concolorous, 1–2 per mm, rarely blueing, and eventually staining pale brown. Stipe 3–8 cm long, 1–1.5 cm broad, dry, straight or curved, terete or flattened, ±equal to broadly subclavate, or tapering downward, usually pinched at the base, white to pale yellow to pale greenish yellow at apex, yellow at base, pseudo-reticulate to subpruinose-ridged to subscabrous with scabrosity confined to the ridges; these red or pink on pale yellow to yellow ground colour; interior solid, pale yellow to yellowish white, unchanging; basal mycelium white.
© R.Halling
Heimioporus species is listed in the following regions:
Bodalla State ForestPlaces
Bodalla, NSW