Sporocarps: sessile or more commonly a broadly flatten plasmodiocarp, gregarious 0.5 to 1.5 mm broad and to a maximum 60 mm long. Hypothallus membranous, white inconspicuous not extending far beyond the fruiting body.
Peridium: double, the outer layer calcareous, relatively smooth, white, the inner layer membranous, colourless dehiscence irregular.
Columella: flat pulvinate, pinkish brown.
Capillitium: delicate, the threads colourless, sparingly branched and anastomosing.
Spores: Dark purple in mass, pale violaceous brown by transmitted light, smooth to minutely warted.
Plasmodium: White.
Substrate:- Leaf litter
Diderma effusum is listed in the following regions: