Notes from Bickel, D.J. 1994 Records of Australian Museum, Suppl. 21:1-394
Description - male. A distinctive coastal species known from southern Queensland to Vic-NSW border. Common in gardens and riparian/estuarine habitats.
Body length 6.2-6.4mm, wing 6.0X1.4mm
Head. Vertex, frons, face and clypeus bright shining metallic blue-green, arista of antenna black, about as long as head width.
Thorax. Dark Shining blue-green; scutellum dark blue; pleura wih some grey pruinosity; setae black.
Legs. Yellow.
Wing. Elongate and narrow with R4+5 and M1 subparallel to apex; M2 absent; apex with large circular brown spot.
Abdomen. Metallic blue-green with bronze-brown matt bands near tergal overlap.
Female. Similar to male, except smaller (length 4.0-4.5, wing 4.0X1.3mm) and lacks the dark circular spot on the wing apex. Abdomen bright metallic green, much shorter than in male.
Amblypsilopus zonatus is listed in the following regions:
Lake CuraloPlaces
Surfside, NSW Vincentia, NSW