Described by Toelken in 2012, this species is part of the H. stricta group, of which two other taxa occur locally, Hibbertia stricta subsp. stricta and H. stricta subsp. furculata. H. oxycraspedota differs from stricta in having the calyx lobes glabrous or with a few hairs at the apex rather than with scattered fascicled (bunched) hairs with 2-8 arms (rarely glabrescent) in stricta. The broad central vein on the leaf underside is bulging and higher than the revolute leaf margins. Both have similar hairy ovaries, the number of stamens is usually 6 or 7 (rarely 3 or 4) in oxycraspedota and 6 or 7 in stricta. The main distinguishing feature of oxycraspedota appears to be the bulging leaf midrib and glabrous (hairless) calyx. It occurs from the Sydney area south to at least Little Forest Plateau (Toelken, 2012).
No sightings currently exist.