Shrub, prostrate or to 1 m tall.
Habitat: Woodland and shrubland on exposed rocky ridges or mountain tops, at high altitude. This species belongs to a genus of plants that are ectomycorrhizal, that is, they depend on a fungus for part, or all, of its nutrition.
Distribution: Scabby Range, south ACT-NSW border, between 1500-1820 m alt.
2020 Bushfire impact:
• Estimate 100% of ACT populations burnt.
• Bulk of national population is in the ACT, mainly along ACT/NSW border.
Peter Wilson and Margaret Hazelwood (Taxon Vol 72 (3) June 2023) revised the Leptospermum genus. Those with non woody capsules have been separated from the rest that remain in Leptospermum, the remainder have been assigned to 3 new genera only one of which is in the local area, namely Gaudium, that includes four species. These are G. brevipes, G. multicaule, G. namadgiense and G. trinerva.
Gaudium namadgiense is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands