Epithymema incomposita
Garrha pudica
Plectobela undescribed species
Unidentified Concealer moth (Oecophoridae)
Isomoralla eriscota
Euphiltra eroticella
Oecophoridae (family)
Microbela allocoma
Philobota productella
Zacorus carus
Thema psammoxantha
Philobota homochroa
Palimmeces pseudomorpha
Hemibela hemicalypta
Coeranica isabella
Philobota impletella Group
Thalerotricha mylicella
Oxythecta lygrosema
Leistomorpha brontoscopa
Oxythecta acceptella
Philobota undescribed species near arabella
Philobota stella
Hoplostega ochroma
Philobota (genus)
Eochrois dejunctella
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Phauloplana illuta
Garrha repandula
Chrysonoma fascialis
Syringoseca rhodoxantha
Oecophoridae provisional species 6
Philobota philostaura
Eulechria contentella
Barea discincta
Tortricopsis uncinella
Philobota cretacea
Philobota pilipes
Tachystola stenoptera
Thema macroscia
Merocroca automima
Thema holoxesta
Chezala privatella
Ocystola crystallina
Olbonoma triptycha
Thema (genus)
Barea (genus)
Heteroteucha dichroella
Barea confusella
Eulechria electrodes
Aeolothapsa malacella
Eulechria heliophanes
Philobota xiphostola
Phryganeutis cinerea
Oxythecta hieroglyphica
Philobota lysizona
Endrosis sarcitrella
Eusemocosma pruinosa
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