Includes P atmobola, P. auxolyca,, P. pedetis, and P. pyrota, as well as P. impletella, some of which seem variable and have variation with sex and location, making identification of species difficult from a photo.. Further reference: Atlas of Living Australia
Philobota impletella Group is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Barwon South West | Grampians
Aranda Bushland Black Mountain Bruce Ridge Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Cuumbeun Nature Reserve Kosciuszko National Park Lower Cotter Catchment Mount Painter Namadgi National Park Tallaganda National Park Tallaganda State Forest WendyM's farm at Freshwater Ck.Places
Bruce, ACT Bungendore, NSW Captains Flat, NSW Cook, ACT Cotter River, ACT Jingera, NSW Melba, ACT Mount Clear, ACT Rendezvous Creek, ACT Tennent, ACT