Anestia (genus)
Faveria tritalis
Anachloris subochraria
Utetheisa (genus)
Chelepteryx chalepteryx
Unidentified Moth (Lepidoptera)
Utetheisa pulchelloides
Sphyrelata amotella
Elhamma australasiae
Scioglyptis lyciaria
Scopula rubraria
Lithosiini (immature)
Halone coryphoea
Hednota relatalis
Arrade destituta
Asura (genus)
Opodiphthera (genus)
Hepialidae (family) IMMATURES
Eutrichopidia latinus
Scenedra decoratalis
Cebysa leucotelus
Unidentified Geometer moth (Geometridae)
Abantiades (genus)
Macrobathra desmotoma
Amata nr aperta
Doleromima hypoxantha
Pyralis farinalis
Mocis trifasciata
Hemibela (genus)
Oecophoridae (family)
Epidesmia hypenaria
Gastrophora henricaria
Mataeomera mesotaenia
Scopula (genus)
Chelepteryx collesi
Thema psammoxantha
Artiastis (genus)
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Hemibela callista
Doratifera quadriguttata and casta
Dasygaster padockina
Crocidosema plebejana
Habrochlanis fragilis
Epidesmia chilonaria
Gelechioidea (superfamily)
Helicoverpa punctigera
Pollanisus (genus)
Taxeotis (genus)
Conoeca or Lepidoscia (genera) IMMATURE
Philobota mathematica group undescribed species.
Culladia cuneiferellus
Philobota (genus)
Heliothis punctifera
Cryptophasa (genus)
Plutella xylostella
Leuroperna sera
Proteuxoa (genus)
Hoplostega ochroma
Lepidoptera unclassified IMMATURE
Chezala privatella
Capusa (genus)
Apina callisto
Anestia semiochrea
Utetheisa lotrix
Geometridae (family) IMMATURE
Uresiphita ornithopteralis
Proteuxoa sanguinipuncta
Hypodoxa muscosaria
Tipanaea patulella
Syringoseca rhodoxantha
Hypertrophidae sp. (family)
Clania ignobilis
1 2 3 4
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