Tortricopsis pyroptis
Oecophoridae provisional species 11
Agriophara fascifera
Catadoceta xanthostephana
Philobota philostaura
Philobota impletella Group
Barea (genus)
Coesyra phaeozona
Olbonoma triptycha
Garrha (genus)
Philobota mathematica group undescribed species.
Oligoloba severa
Eusemocosma pruinosa
Ptyoptila matutinella
Garrha ocellifera
Chezala privatella
Barea zygophora
Tortricopsis uncinella
Barea codrella
Diaphanta chryseres
Satrapia thesaurina
Barea exarcha
Syncometes vilis
Delexocha ochrocausta
Philobota cretacea
Thema macroscia
Aeolothapsa malacella
Oecophoridae (family)
Phytotrypa propriella
Atheropla decaspila
Heteroteucha translatella
Ageletha hemiteles
Philobota productella
Philobota (genus)
Garrha repandula
Philobota agnesella
Coesyra cyclotoma
Atheropla psammodes
Philobota hypocausta
Isomoralla gephyrota
Psaroxantha calligenes
Syringoseca mimica
Heteroteucha dichroella
Euchaetis inceptella
Crossophora semiota
Tachystola acroxantha
Isomoralla eriscota
Tortricopsis aulacois
Barea melanodelta
Piloprepes anassa
Hoplostega ochroma
Thema holoxesta
Philobota pilipes
Merocroca automima
Endrosis sarcitrella
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 » 43
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