Paropsisterna laesa species complex
Callidemum hypochalceum
Paropsisterna m-fuscum
Paropsisterna cloelia
Calomela curtisi
Aporocera (Aporocera) melanocephala
Unidentified Leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae)
Paropsis pictipennis
Paropsis atomaria
Chaetocnema sp.
Aporocera (Aporocera) consors
Adoxia benallae
Elaphodes pilula
Monolepta sp. (genus)
Paropsisterna sp. (Ch11 of DeLittle 1979)
Trachymela sp. (genus)
Monolepta juno
Monolepta picticollis
Phyllotreta sp.
Paropsisterna pictipes
Paropsisterna sp. ("Ch11" of DeLittle 1979)
Cryptocephalinae (sub-family)
Xanthogaleruca luteola
Monolepta australis
Cadmus sp. (genus)
Paropsis aegrota
Alticini (tribe)
Edusella puberula
Aporocera (Aporocera) haematodes
Edusella sp. (genus)
Monolepta rubrofasciata
Paropsisterna morio
Paropsisterna beata
Paropsisterna octosignata
Paropsisterna nigerrima
Ditropidus sp. (genus)
Paropsisterna simsoni
Paropsisterna angustipes
Peltoschema delicatulum
Peltoschema hamadryas
Arsipoda sp. (genus)
Arsipoda laeviceps
Paropsis aspera
Paropsisterna rufobrunnea
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