Artiastis (genus)
Palimmeces leucopelta
Hoplostega ochroma
Acmotoma magniferella
Oxythecta hieroglyphica
Syringoseca mimica
Oecophoridae (family)
Philobota philostaura
Olbonoma triptycha
Psaroxantha (genus)
Barea (genus)
Poliorhabda auriceps
Chrysonoma fascialis
Garrha carnea
Tortricopsis pyroptis
Telocharacta metachroa
Philobota impletella Group
Chezala privatella
Isomoralla gephyrota
Thema brevivitella
Barea zygophora
Thema psammoxantha
Syncometes vilis
Tortricopsis semijunctella
Aeolothapsa malacella
Tachystola acroxantha
Philobota productella
Delexocha ochrocausta
Barea dryocoetes
Atheropla decaspila
Eulechria electrodes
Prionocris (genus)
Thema macroscia
Eusemocosma pruinosa
Thema holoxesta
Philobota pedetis
Orescoa orites
Philobota protecta
Philobota lysizona
Barea codrella
Epithymema incomposita
Oxythecta acceptella
Linosticha cyclophragma
Zonopetala decisana
Coesyra phaeozona
Unidentified Concealer moth (Oecophoridae)
Merocroca automima
Tortricopsis uncinella
Tortricopsis euryphanella
Philobota mathematica group undescribed species.
Ocystola paulinella
Arachnographa micrastrella
Leistomorpha brontoscopa
Endrosis sarcitrella
Corynotricha antipodella
Barea basigramma
Garrha absumptella
Archaereta dorsivittella
Oecophoridae provisional species 6
Isomoralla eriscota
Palimmeces (genus)
Orthiastis hyperocha
Philobota acropola
Barea confusella
Oecophoridae provisional species 1
Philobota (genus)
1 2
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